Синопсис на английском языке
правовой экспертизы дела по
уголовному преследованию
Шамана Александра Габышева по
части 1 статьи 280 УК РФ
«Публичные призывы к осуществлению экстремистской
В 2019 году пеший поход Шамана Александра Габышева в Москву вызвал
большой общественный резонанс не только в России, но и во всем мире.
Это произошло по причине того, что
Габышев ставил актуальные и понятные каждому человеку вопросы: социальная
справедливость, достойная жизнь, народовластие и ответственность власти.
История Габышева была освещена во многих иностранных средствах
массовой информации.
Зарубежом его история
преподносится как некая «сказка» о старинных героях.
Однако, Габышев подвергается самому настоящему уголовному
преследованию и вполне обоснованно признан преследуемым по политическим мотивам.
Но до сих пор отсутствует
юридический анализ дела Габышева на английском языке.
Я, Руководитель Общественной организации «Якутия – Наше Мнение» Степан
Петров попытаюсь восполнить этот пробел и представляю ниже синопсис (краткий обзор)
правовой экспертизы по делу Шамана
Габышева на английском языке.
В экспертизе мною юридически
доказана невиновность Габышева.
Сделан вывод, что уголовное дело в отношении Габышева
подлежит прекращению.
В современном правовом государстве недопустимо преследование по политическим
и религиозным мотивам.
Свобода мысли и слова, совести и
вероисповедания являются базовыми ценностями демократии, то есть власти
Альтернативой демократии является тоталитарная
диктатура, что является неприемлемой формой жизнеустройства, так как при этом грубо
нарушаются общепризнанные права и свободы человека и гражданина.
Поэтому выбором большинства стран мира стала демократическая форма
При этом должно обеспечиваться,
прежде всего, равенство всех перед законом.
В основе демократии лежит
сменяемость власти и свободные выборы.
Поэтому в Конституции России
закреплены следующие основания прекращения полномочий Президента страны: истечение
срока полномочий, отставка в силу невозможности осуществлять свои полномочия по
состоянию здоровья; смерть Президента РФ; отрешение Президента РФ от должности
Федеральным Собранием РФ в установленном порядке.
Фактически Габышев предложил осуществить досрочную отставку Президента
РФ, что находится в рамках закона и не является уголовно наказуемым деянием.
Поэтому уголовное преследование
Габышева является незаконным.
Требование досрочной отставки президентов является нормальным явлением
в демократических странах.
Недавно Президенту СЩА Дональду
Трампу объявили импичмент.
Палата представителей США (нижняя
палата Конгресса) проголосовала за отстранение Трампа от должности президента.
Он признан виновным в «злоупотреблении властью» и в «препятствовании работе
конгресса». Обвинения 45-ому президенту США были выдвинуты за попытку давления
на власти Украины.
Однако, в России инициатива досрочной отставки президента приравнивается
чуть ли не к экстремистской деятельности.
Трамп отреагировал на это
нормально, как это полагается главе демократического правового государства.
Президент США Дональд Трамп никого не обвинил в
экстремизме и в попытке свергнуть власть насильственным путем, как это делают
некоторые главы посткоммунистических стран.
Недавно и в России появилось заявление
иркутского обкома КПРФ, который потребовал отправить в отставку президента
России Путина и премьер-министра Медведева в связи с увольнением Сергея
Левченко с должности губернатора Иркутской области. Это тоже нормальная реакция
на незаконное, по их оценке, смещение главы региона по инициативе федерального
Если в западных странах это
обычная нормальная практика защиты прав, то в России это сопоставимо с
геройским поступком.
Таким образом, России нужно еще много учиться демократическим
ценностям и много работать над созданием полноценной системы реализации прав
Религиозный аспект дела Габышева также входит в нормальное
человеческое понимание различных явлений в жизни.
С точки зрения психологии в каждом
человеке есть положительные и отрицательные черты характера. И человеку нужно
уметь управлять своими эмоциями и вовремя корректировать свое поведение.
Шаманы, как Габышев, воспринимают
людей, как единство физического и нефизического духовного тела.
Они считают, что в человека могут
вселиться разные сущности (духовные субстанции), в том числе «демоны». И его
нужно исцелять посредством обряда.
Образно говоря, Шаманы занимаются,
в частности, уравновешиванием положительного и отрицательного в человеке.
Примерно тем же, занимаются
психологи, давая советы людям по выходу из тех или иных ситуаций, выбору модели
Необходимо признать, что в жизни не может только одно лишь хорошее,
присутствует и негативное.
Неспроста у Шамана Габышева есть «светлый
и темный ангел» в виде реальных участников его сообщества единомышленников.
В нашей жизни и в каждом человеке присутствует положительное и отрицательное.
Нельзя замыкаться и не обращать
внимания на негатив. Людям нужно уметь регулировать себя и адекватно реагировать на критику.
Можно привести пример с
физическими болезнями. Если долго не обращать внимания на симптомы, то можно
запустить болезнь, что может привести к негативным последствиям.
Негатив может быть не обязательно
фатальным и потусторонним, вроде «демона».
Это может быть элементарная лень
сделать необходимое вовремя, что может привести к негативу в будущем.
Например, лень «очистить засор»,
«заменить топливные фильтры в машине», «поменять пришедшую в негодность
электропроводку». Это может привести к конкретным негативным явлениям: ухудшение
санитарного состояния, поломка машины, пожар.
Следующие состояния также могут
привести к негативу: печаль, уныние или тщеславие, гордыня или жадность.
Печаль и уныние не дают человеку
нормально жить, происходит упадок сил и человек не может решить свои жизненные
задачи. Тщеславие и гордыня порождают высокомерие и пренебрежение окружающими.
Жадность вызывает стремление к
непомерному обогащению, что может привести к совершению корыстных преступлений.
Все эти состояния могут привести к
определенным негативным последствиям, которых можно было бы избежать в случае
своевременной корректировки своего поведения и жизненных ориентиров.
Про людей, подвергшихся воздействию таких состояний, иногда образно говорят,
что в них «вселился дьявол жадности, бес тщеславия, демон гордыни».
Таким образом, каждый человек в силу своего жизненного опыта и рода
занятий может охарактеризовать те или иные негативные состояния окружающих.
Политики являются объектом особого
внимания подобных характеристик, так как от их работы зависит благополучие большого количества людей.
Главам государств не чуждо ничто
человеческое. Поэтому им можно порекомендовать нормально относится к критике и
требованиям принятия различных правовых мер воздействия в их отношении.
Главам государств, в том числе и России, необходимо:
-больше времени уделять наиболее
полной реализации прав и свобод граждан, обеспечению достойной жизни и
законности в своих странах;
-а не заниматься ограничением
свободы гражданского общества и подавлять гражданские инициативы репрессивным
Уверен, что конструктивный диалог
между государством и обществом, учет позиции
населения в государственной политике даст позитивный эффект, а
негативные выпады в адрес власти существенно снизятся.
В целом остается пожелать политикам с пониманием относиться к
критическим оценкам их деятельности.
Дело Габышева можно отнести к таким ситуациям.
На каждом человеке лежит личная
ответственность за свою судьбу и жизнь близких.
Но на главах государств лежит неоценимо большая ответственность.
Это тяжелейшая ноша по управлению
Политикам нужно осознавать и
признавать свои прошлые ошибки, покаяться, пройти процесс «духовного перерождения», стать лучше и идти дальше,
делая государственную политику лучше и работая во благо людей.
Уверен в том, что избиратели –
граждане их стран положительно оценят подобную самокритику. И они заслужат их почет
и уважение. Другого пути нет.
В наглядной художественной форме наличие
негатива внутри человека широко показывается в фильмах, где герой картины сначала
ведет себя плохо, но потом осознает это и исправляется, становясь лучше и меняя
мир вокруг себя.
Иногда образ негатива приобретает
форму некой духовной субстанции, от чего нужно избавиться. Избавление от этого
нужно, прежде всего, самому человеку, а не другим людям.
Людям свойственно ошибаться, надо
уметь признавать свои ошибки, становиться лучше и идти дальше.
Поэтому нет ничего
предосудительного признать наличие в себе негатива, попытаться исправиться и
стать лучше, что напрямую касается политиков всех стран мира.
Политикам всего мира остается пожелать, чтобы они:
-понимали, что до них хотят донести люди, выражая критику их деятельности,
в том числе посредством символов, таких как одержимость дьяволами, бесами,
-не применяли в ответ карательные
репрессивные меры;
-а делали соответствующие выводы, менялись сами и меняли свою политику
в лучшую сторону.
Для наглядности можно привести
пример душевных переживаний от наличия негативной духовной субстанции внутри
человека, который показан в песне «Дьявол во Мне». Ее исполняет певица из Новой
Зеландии Вирджиния Клэр «Джин» Уигмор.
Исполнительница переживает наличие
«дьявола» внутри себя, осознает, что «дьявол» мешает ей вести полноценную жизнь
и всей душой желает избавиться от этого недуга.
Предлагаю Вам ознакомиться с песней «Дьявол во Мне» молодой певицы Вирджинии
Уигмор, которая ставит глубокие социально-философские вопросы человеческого
бытия, что безусловно заслуживает
внимания широкой публики.
Wigmore - Devil In Me (Official Video)
Работа по защите Габышева продолжается.
СКОРО будут
направлены Обращения в Администрацию Президента РФ, ФСБ РФ, Генеральную
прокуратуру и другие заинтересованные органы с предложением прекратить
уголовное преследование Александра Габышева.
Также самому Габышеву будут
представлены предложения по защите своих прав.
Прошу оказать помощь для
дальнейшей работы
1.) карта VISA 4276 1609 4906 6808
2.) QIWI Кошелек +7(914)2242411
3.) Яндекс Деньги 4100110357930203
4.) PAYEER Account P1020197599
3 января 2020 года
Степан Петров,
Руководитель Общественной
организации «Якутия - Наше Мнение»
сайт http://yakutian.org
электронная почта post@yakutian.org
тел. 8-914-224-24-11
* * * * *
Антипутинский Шаман:
на пути к справедливости
Anti-Putin Shaman:
the way to justice
In 2019, the hiking trip of Shaman
Alexander Gabyshev to Moscow caused a great
public outcry not only in Russia ,
but throughout the world.
happened due to the fact that Gabyshev posed issues that were relevant and
understandable to everyone: social justice, decent life, democracy and
responsibility of the authorities.
Gabyshev’s story has been covered
in many foreign media.
his story is presented as a kind of "fairy tale" about ancient
However, Gabyshev is subjected to
real criminal prosecution and is justifiably recognized as "prisoner of
there is still no legal analysis of the Gabyshev’s case in English.
Chief of NGO Yakutia - Our Opinion Stepan Petrov would like to fill this gap and present below a
Synopsis (brief overview) of the Legal Review of criminal
proceedings against Shaman Gabyshev in English.
the review, I legally proved the innocence of Gabyshev
is concluded that the criminal case against Gabyshev is to be terminated.
In modern law-governed state,
persecution for political and religious views is unacceptable.
of thought and expression,
conscience and religion are fundamental values of
democracy, that is, the power of the people.
alternative to democracy is a totalitarian dictatorship that is unacceptable
form of living arrangement, since the universally recognized human rights and
freedoms are grossly violated.
Therefore, choice of most
countries of the world is democracy.
the same time, first of all, equality of all before the law should be ensured.
the heart of democracy is rotation in power and free elections.
the Constitution of Russia fixed the following grounds for termination of the
powers of the President: expiration of the term of office, resignation due to
the inability to exercise their powers for health reasons; death of the
President; removal of the President from office by the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
in the prescribed manner.
In fact, Gabyshev proposed early
resignation of the Russian President that is within the law and is not a
criminal offense.
the criminal prosecution of Gabyshev is illegal.
Demanding early resignation of
presidents is normal in democracies.
U.S. President Donald Trump was nearly impeached.
U.S. House of Representatives (lower house of Congress) voted to remove Trump
from the presidency. He was found guilty of "abuse of power" and of
"obstructing the work of Congress." Charges to the 45th president of
the United States
were brought forward for trying to pressure the Ukrainian authorities.
However, in Russia , initiative of early
resignation of the president is almost equal to extremist activity.
reacted to this normally, as it befits the head of a democratic state of law.
US President Donald Trump Trump
has not blamed anyone for extremism and for trying to overthrow power by force,
as some heads of post-communist countries do.
the Irkutsk regional committee of the Communist
Party of the Russian Federation
made a statement for resignation of President Putin and Prime Minister Medvedev
in connection with the dismissal of the Irkutsk
region governor Sergey Levchenko. This is also a normal reaction to illegal displacement
at the initiative of the federal center.
in developed countries this is usual normal practice of protecting rights, in Russia
this is comparable to a heroic act.
Thus, Russia still needs to learn a lot
of democratic values and work hard to create a
full-fledged system for implementation of human rights.
The religious aspect of the
Gabyshev’s case could be understood by everyone.
the point of view of psychology, each person has positive and negative traits
of character. And a person needs to be able to manage his emotions and adjust
his behavior in time.
like Gabyshev, perceive human as the unity of physical and non-physical
spiritual bodies.
believe that different entities (spiritual substances), including “demons”, can
infuse into a person. And it must be healed through a ceremony.
speaking, in particular Shamans are engaged in balancing the positive and
negative in a person.
do the same, giving advice to people on how to get out of certain situations,
on choosing a model of behavior.
It must be recognized that in life
there can not be only one good, there is also negative.
is not for nothing that Shaman Gabyshev has a “light and dark angels” in the
form of real participants in his community of like-minded people.
There is positive and negative in
our life and in every person.
can not lock up and ignore the negative. People need to be able to regulate
themselves and adequately respond to criticism.
can give an example with physical illnesses. If you do not pay attention to the
symptoms for a long time, you can get sick that can lead to negative
negative may not necessarily be fatal and otherworldly, such as a
can be elementary laziness to do what is needed on time that can lead to
negativity in the future.
example, too lazy to "clear the blockage", "replace the fuel
filters in the car", "change the spoiled electrical wiring".
This could lead to specific negative phenomena: deterioration of sanitary
condition, vehicle breakdown, fire.
following conditions can also lead to negation: sadness, gloom or vanity, pride
or greed.
and gloom do not allow a person to live normally, there is a breakdown and
person can not solve his life tasks. Vanity and pride give rise to arrogance
and neglect of others.
causes a desire for exorbitant enrichment, which can lead to the committing mercenary
these conditions may lead to certain negative consequences that could have been
avoided if behavior and life guidelines has been timely adjusted.
Sometimes people figuratively says
about those, who are exposed to such conditions, that “the devil of greed, the
fiend of vanity, the demon of pride” dwelt in them.
Thus, everyone can characterize
certain negative states of specific person on the basis of life experience and
are the subject of special attention to such characteristics, since the
well-being of a large number of people depends on their work.
heads of states are not alien to anything human. Therefore, they can be
recommended to have a normal attitude to criticism and demands to adopt various
legal measures in relation to them.
The heads of states, including Russia ,
devote more time to fullest realization of the rights and freedoms of citizens,
ensuring a decent life and the rule of law in their countries.
not restrict the freedom of civil society and suppress civil initiatives in a
repressive way.
am sure that a constructive dialogue between the state and society, taking into
account position of the population in state policy will give a positive effect,
and negative attacks on the authorities will be significantly reduced.
In general, it remains to wish
politicians to be sympathetic to critical assessments of their work.
The Gabyshev case can be
attributed to such situations.
person has a personal responsibility for his own fate and the lives of loved
But the heads of states have an
invaluable responsibility.
hardest burden is to manage the country.
need to acknowledge their past mistakes, repent, go through the process of
“spiritual rebirth”, become better and move on, making public policy better and
working for the good of people.
am sure that voters - citizens of their countries will appreciate positively
similar self-criticism. And they will deserve their honor and respect. There is
no other way.
a visual artistic form, the presence of negativity within a person is widely
shown in films where hero at first behaves badly, but then realizes this and
corrects himself, becoming better and changing the world around him.
image of the negative takes the form of a certain spiritual substance, which
you need to get rid of. Getting rid of this is necessary, first of all, for the
person himself, and not for other people.
tend to make mistakes, you need to be able to admit your mistakes, become
better and move on.
there is nothing reprehensible to admit that there is a negative in yourself,
to try to improve situation and become better. It directly concerns politicians
from all over the world.
Politicians all over the world could
be recommended:
- to understand what people want
to convey to them, expressing criticism of their activities, including through
symbols, such as obsession with devils, fiends, demons;
- do not apply punitive repressive
measures in response;
- to make the appropriate
conclusions, to change themselves and to change their policies for the better.
clarity, I can give an example of emotional experiences from the presence of
negative spiritual substance within a person that is shown in the song “Devil
in Me”.
song is performed by New
Zealand singer Virginia Claire
"Gene" Wigmore.
is worried about the presence of “devil” within herself, realizes that “devil”
prevents her from leading a full life and wants to get rid of this ailment with
her whole soul.
I suggest You watch the song
“Devil in Me” by Virginia Wigmore, who poses the deep socio-philosophical
questions of human existence, that certainly deserves attention of the general
Wigmore - Devil In Me (Official Video)
protection of the
rights of shaman gabyshev continues.
SOON I will issue and submit Complaints to the address of the Presidential
Administration, the Federal Security Service, Prosecutor General's Office and
other Russian state bodies with a proposal to stop the prosecution of Alexander
I also will send to Gabyshev the proposals to
protect his rights.
Please provide financial assistance for
further work
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January 3, 2020
of NGO Yakutia - Our Opinion
* * * * *
Synopsis of Legal Review
of criminal proceedings against Shaman Alexander Gabyshev
under part 1 of article
280 of the Criminal Code
"Public calls for
extremist activities"
The citizen of the Russian
Federation Alexander Gabyshev started hiking from Yakutsk to Moscow
at the beginning of March 2019.
He carried out the hike to Moscow , realizing his Constitutional rights
-freedom of movement (Article 27);
-freedom of conscience and religion (Article
-freedom of thought and expression (Article
During movement Gabyshev had public discussion
of actual problems.
This caused a wide public resonance, as he raised
issues of social justice, decent life and true democracy, guaranteed by the
Constitution of the Russian
Federation .
Gabyshev’s movement received wide response of population.
The following socio-political events occurred on
his route:
-rally against
the human rights violations
in Chita (Zabaikalsky
region), July 12;
-mass protests
against the human rights and
electoral violations in Ulan-Ude
(Buryatia), September 9-12 and the following days.
September 12, 2019 the Republic Sakha
(Yakutia) investigative department of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSS)
initiated criminal proceedings No.11907980001000015 against Alexander Gabyshev under part 1 of
article 280 of the Criminal Code "Public calls for extremist
September 19, 2019 Alexander Gabyshev was detained
illegally in the Republic Buryatia and then he was taken to the Republic Sakha
I, Chief of NGO Yakutia - Our Opinion Stepan Petrov made a
legal review of the Shaman Gabyshev case and proved legally his innocence.
Federal Security Service (FSS) did a
mistake by incorrect qualification of the crime.
It is
therefore necessary to stop the criminal case against Gabyshev.
main action that indicated as a base for initiating criminal proceedings is:
-public call for violence against Russian
President Vladimir Putin that consisted of the Gabyshev’s words "destroy, forcibly
expel Putin, fight with weapon in hand”.
He announced one of the main tasks as "expulsion
of demon Putin".
It should be noted that Gabyshev is a Shaman.
Shamans perceive human as the unity of the physical and non-physical spiritual
So it would be correct to say about "expulsion
of demon from Putin”, that is, expulsion of some entity (spiritual substance) from
the Putin’s physical body.
Gabyshev believes that this will lead to the
early resignation of Putin.
Obvious is inadmissibility of criminal
prosecution of Shaman Gabyshev for
his acts committed as part of his religious affiliation and, more importantly, not
aimed at conducting extremist activity, even more, physical destruction of the president.
He affirms it in his numerous interviews.
As a result, it remains only the fact of
initiation of early resignation of the Russian President through a religious
ceremony that is not a criminal offense.
An important fact is that Gabyshev is a
Therefore Gabyshev’s case has two main
aspects: religious and legal.
1.) the diversity of religions, each of which
has its own characteristics;
2) rotation in power through free elections
and possibility of early resignation of the head of state.
Gabyshev’s initiative can be considered in the
context of these two aspects.
In the context of legal aspect Gabyshev expressed his dissatisfaction with
the existing situation in the country in connection with violation of the
rights to a decent life and a lack of
opportunities to participate effectively in the management of state affairs.
In the context of religious aspect Gabyshev suggested early resignation of the
President of the Russian
Federation through a religious ceremony.
Formal legal interpretation of Gabyshev’s statements
available in the case file does not correspond to true motivation and final
Religious, formal and objective legal assessment of
initiative to expel "the demon" from
the Russian President Vladimir Putin
Religious assessment
Formal legal assessment
(without taking into account the actual
circumstances of the case - religious aspect )
legal assessment
(taking into account the actual circumstances of the
case - religious aspect)
Persuasion (motivation)
Gabyshev believes that evil comes from the demon
Gabyshev believes that Putin is the embodiment of
evil, the spokesman of dark worlds, he
oppresses the people.
Gabyshev, implementing the right to freedom of
speech and religion, expresses a subjective critical assessment of Putin’s
activity and states that reason for
this is impact of external forces of other-worldly nature
Proposed actions
To conduct a
ceremony of expulsion of "demon"
from Putin
To use violent means against Putin:
destroy, forcibly expel Putin, fight with weapon in
To call for early resignation of Putin through a
religious ceremony
Impact tools
Object of impact
astral body (aura)
Putin's physical body
Putin's astral body (aura). The existence of the
astral body is scientifically not proven and studied.
Expulsion of "demon"
from Putin, that is, his healing
destruction of Putin
Expulsion of "demon"
from Putin, that is,
his healing
a ceremony of expulsion
of "demon"
is the traditional
method of Shamanism
There are elements of extremist crimes
There is no evidence of extremist crimes.
Since the initiation of early resignation of Russian
President through a religious ceremony is not a criminal offense.
The table shows the differences between formal
and objective assessment of the situation.
This is associated with differentiation of
perception of human depending on the scope of activities that can be
demonstrated by the examples of specific professions:
-doctor perceives human as a physical body
consisting of musculoskeletal tissue and internal organs;
-policeman perceives human as a law-abiding
citizen or not;
-official perceives human as an object of
state policy.
So Shamans such as Gabyshev perceive human as
the unity of the physical and non-physical spiritual bodies.
Given religious aspect Alexander Gabyshev has
the intention:
- not to fight Vladimir Putin with violent
means: destroy, forcibly expel Putin, fight with weapon in
- but to conduct religious ceremony of expulsion of
"demon" inside Putin's astral body without affecting his physical body.
Gabyshev believes that it would lead to early
resignation of Putin.
The following violations of rules of criminal
procedure were committed during the investigation.
1.Incorrect legal qualification of the acts
due to unjustified allegation of the Republic Sakha
(Yakutia) investigative department of the Russian Federal Security Service that "Gabyshev A.P. addressed personally
... with calls to extremist activity", "statements of Gabyshev A.P.
contain public call for violence against Russian President Vladimir Putin”, in
view of the failure to identify all actual circumstances and the neglect of
religious aspect,
when the head of the investigative body - the
head of the Republic Sakha (Yakutia) investigative department of the Russian Federal
Security Service, Lieutenant Colonel of Justice Brusenin K.V.:
-declined to conduct legal qualification of
the acts in compliance with all procedural rules;
-initiated criminal proceedings in fact only
on the basis of the psychological and linguistic study that may not be the sole
and sufficient basis for criminal prosecution of extremist offences.
2.Putting to the expert a question with an
obvious accusatory manner that contains the dispositions of Article 280 of the Criminal Code
and, if so, there is unequivocal qualification of actions under this article,
in violation of the recommendations of the Resolution of the Plenum of the
Russian Supreme Court of 28 June 2011, No.11,
that disrupted two recommendations of the Resolution
on (1) the inadmissibility of putting to the expert legal questions relating
to the assessment of an act but not within his competence and (2) the inadmissibility of putting to the
expert questions about the content of calls for
extremist activity, orientation of information materials to incite hatred or
Based on the foregoing and the articles 212, 213 of the Code of Criminal
Procedure of the Russian
Federation ,
I propose to stop the criminal proceedings against Gabyshev, suspected of committing a crime under part 1 of
article 280 of the Criminal Code, on the basis of paragraphs 1 and 2 of part 1
of Article 24 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation due
to the absence of a crime and the lack of corpus delicti.
Violations of recommendations on observing provisions
of Articles 3 and 4 of the
Declaration on freedom of political debate in the media, adopted by the
Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 12 February 2004, and the practice of the European Court of
Human Rights, occured.
Public debate and scrutiny over political figures
figures have decided to appeal to the confidence of the public and accepted to
subject themselves to public political debate and are therefore subject to
close public scrutiny and potentially robust and strong public criticism
through the media over the way in which they have carried out or carry out
their functions.
Public scrutiny over public officials
officials must accept that they will be subject to public scrutiny and
criticism, particularly through the media, over the way in which they have
carried out or carry out their functions, insofar as this is necessary for ensuring
transparency and the responsible exercise of their functions.
Violation is that unjustified accusation of a negative characteristic of the
Russia President without
taking into account the religious aspect, the actual hard socio-economic
situation in Russia
and discontent of a significant part of the population. It was not taken into
account that Gabyshev was actually spokesman of the majority dissatisfying with
the plight of the country.
Therefore, the heads of Russia have to
fight, first of all, to the plight of the country, rather than the citizens
expressing their fair protest.
There is a clash of two aspects of perception
of human (legal and religious) in the
case of Shaman Gabyshev.
Many of Shaman’s actions are performed with astral
body of human which is not a part of physical body.
Thus, shamans perceive human as the unity of the physical and non-physical spiritual
bodies which some entity (spiritual substance), including the
"demons, could possess.
It must be understood that we are at a
particular point in space-time continuum.
Our understanding of the various processes and
phenomena is limited to the level of development of scientific knowledge at the
Figuratively speaking, tomorrow something
could become real, but today the same is unrealistic and impossible.
It can be compared with the fact that seemed
unreal in the 15th century, for example, movement not on horseback but in a internal
combustion engine vehicles or transmission of sound and images from a distance.
This became possible in the 20th century when automobiles, radio, television
and telephone were invented.
We can see this on the example. 40-50 years
ago, We could not imagine that almost everyone would own a Pocket PC, TV, VCR,
telephone, television studio in the form of just one small device. This was the
focus of science fiction. Now all these and many other achievements are in modern
smartphones that became commonplace with introduction of Internet and new
information technologies.
From this point of view it is wrong to assert
unequivocally the absence of any events or substances, if they do not exist in
our material world at a given time.
This is confirmed by the scientific and
technical development.
July 4, 2012 experiments at the Large Hadron
Collider discovered the Higgs boson that that completed the Standard Model of
particle physics.
But the Collider allowed to find four new
particles - so-called exotic Tetraquarks paving way to the rationale and study
of other dimensions, in which there may be a variety of life forms.
Questions about otherwise that is beyond our
material world, are universal rhetorical question about the origin of all
things on earth, and the possible existence of different forms of life on other
planets or other dimensions.
Therefore, we can conclude that in the future it
would be possible scientifically to confirm the existence of other dimensions
and life forms.
And on this basis the existence of substances
and phenomena that described in different ideological doctrines and concepts, including
religious streams, claiming that human is a unity of physical and spiritual parts,
would be justified possibly.
Thus, we can assume that the scientific
evidence of the phenomena, dubbed by various religions, including Shamanism,
may appear at a certain time.
Therefore, it is unacceptable to persecute people
with views that do not coincide with the traditional and generally accepted views
supported at a certain time.
At the same time, we need toleranсe for religious views of people.
Cultural law-abiding citizens, who are
atheists, do not even think to question the faith of Christians or Muslims.
They do not allow themselves to ridicule and
mock the feelings of believers, claiming that God doesn't exist. And say that
there is no hard evidence of life of Jesus Christ and Prophet Muhammad.
We can not humiliate dignity of people who
have their own religious beliefs, but on the ground that certain provisions of
their faith have no rational scientific explanation.
I believe that the same approach should be
applied in the case of Shaman Gabyshev as his initiative is the result of religious
It is unreasonable and inhumane to bring a
person to criminal responsibility for his religious views.
Only for the fact that his position is not
amenable to rational scientific explanation and is in conflict with the
official policy.
I believe that in this case We need to show
tolerance and understanding, comparable to the tolerant attitude to the people,
preaching different religions and beliefs which may also have an ambiguous
legal assessment.
Such views and position should not be assessed
only from the formal legal point of view and a cause for application of
repressive penal measures.
Given public significance of
Gabyshev’s case, besides the proposal to stop the criminal proceedings against Gabyshev,
I propose the following measures
to resolve negative socio-political situation in Russia .
1. The senior officials of the Russian Federation
are recommended to strive for political and religious tolerance, taking into
account the political and cultural diversity of the country.
2. The state security and law
enforcement bodies of the Russian Federation
are recommended to focus their efforts on combating the real threats of
extremism and terrorism, and not on combating citizens of the Russian Federation who have a
different civil position and conduct activities based on constitutional rights
to freedom of thought and expression,
freedom of conscience and religion.
3. The state bodies of the Russian Federation
are recommended to take the following measures:
ensure effective participation of the population and taking into account their
opinions in decision-making process;
ensure effective and equal interaction of state authorities, the public and
political organizations on all existing problems and issues;
respond timely to violations of socio-economic, civil and other rights;
review effectiveness of communicative approaches of public authorities.